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  2. Tracing
  3. Ethnic German repatriates

Online tracing request form for ethnic German repatriates

Sought Person - Page 1

Please enter the details of the sought person here. The more details you can provide, the better it is for our search. The details in the fields marked with an * (asterisk) are mandatory, otherwise a search is not possible.
oder andere Namensschreibweisen
If necessary, a roughly estimated figure like about 1925-1930
zumindest Staat / Region
z. B. Brief, Besuch, Telefonat
z.B. Verwandtschaftsverhältnis

Sought Person - Page 2

The information in the following fields can help us a great deal in the identification process. If you cannot provide details to any of the following facts at this moment, you can skip these fields and instead give us some information about yourself.

Searching person

Please provide us now with some information about yourself.Unfortunately we cannot process anonymous requests.

The fields marked with an * are mandatory. Your personal data will be passed on to the sought person so that they can decide if they want to contact you.
If necessary, a roughly estimated figure like about 1925-1930
A lot of questions are easier to resolve on the telephone. If you provide us with your telephone number, we will be happy to call you (we have in-house translators for many languages)!
If you have entered an e-mail address you will automatically receive a confirmation e-mail with the data entered.

After you have sent your request you can print it out.
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