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The GRC Tracing Service takes the protection of personal data very seriously.

Data protection declaration

In our data protection declaration you will find detailed information on how the GRC Tracing Service handles personal data and on the rights relating to the protection of such data in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Data protection in the international search for relatives 

The ICRC and the Tracing Services of the National Red Cross Societies of Germany, Austria and Switzerland have jointly developed a data protection video. It is available in several languages and explains what the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement does with your personal data when it processes it for tracing purposes. 

RFL data protection video (English)

Information on data protection according to the tasks of the GRC Tracing Service (multilingual)

Data protection principles for Tracing Service employees

Picture Data protection principles for Tracing Service employees

What do Tracing Service employees have to consider when processing personal data for Tracing Service purposes? A poster lists the general and specific legal bases, including the GRC Tracing Service Data Protection Act and the Data Protection Code of Conduct of the International Tracing Service Network. Each of the data protection principles transparency, documentation of data processing, purpose, data retention, lawfulness of processing, data security as well as data minimisation, proportionality and rights of the data subjects are explained concisely. The poster is based on an ICRC template aimed at Tracing Service personnel worldwide, whether in ICRC delegations or National Societies.

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